Despite news that a compromise deal to end the government shutdown in Washington, D.C., the University of Montana has taken steps to help the 562 veterans and their dependents who may experience disruption of educational benefits.

UM Vets Office Director Len Leibinger said on Wednesday, October 16, there are several avenues of help available to students who are also veterans.

"Veterans Administration funding will be exhausted by next week, so they will not have any money to fund compensation or education benefits," Leibinger said. "We've put together a letter that veterans can take to their landlords and daycare providers indicating that veterans, through no fault of their own, may not be able to meet their obligations. We are also identifying those additional financial resources where we can offer a short term loan at no interest."

Leibinger said student veterans should contact his office for details as to how to access the assistance offered by the University.

"They just need to contact us here at the Vets office and we can guide them through the process," Leibinger said. "We can make the appropriate referrals and answer questions relating to their benefits.We don't want this shutdown to cause anyone to drop out of school due to financial need."

Leibinger said the short term loans are available only for veterans who are students at the University of Montana who qualify under the G.I bill.

The contact number at the UM Vets office is 243-2451.

UM Vets Office Director Len Leibinger


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