$35,000 Bail For Pablo Man Charged With Car Theft – Unpaid Garbage Dump – High Speed Chase While High on Meth
27 year-old Lamont Brown of Pablo appeared in Missoula Justice Court on Thursday and was held on $35,000 bail for several alleged crimes that occurred on Tuesday morning.
Deputy County Attorney Mark Handelman detailed the charges for Judge Marie Anderson.
"The defendant stole a car from the airport, drove to the dump where he dumped trash without paying," Handelman began. "From that point, he led law enforcement on a high speed chase across town, where the stolen car had to be disabled with stop sticks. At the time of these events, the defendant was under the influence of methamphetamine. Even though he does not have an extensive criminal history, has actions say that he is a danger to the community."
Court records indicate that in addition to being under the influence of meth, Brown was also intoxicated at the time of his arrest.
Judge Anderson set bail at $35,000, and ordered Brown to appear in court again on April 7.
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