AG Fox Releases Video for National Crime Victims Rights Week
Today through April 14 is National Crime Victims Rights Week, and Montana Attorney General Tim Fox has taped a video message to raise awareness about the services available to crime victims through his Office of Victims Services.
“This week, let’s celebrate progress achieved, raise awareness of victims’ rights and services, and stand with our families, neighbors, friends, and colleagues whose lives have been forever altered by crime,” Attorney General Tim Fox said. “Let’s show victims they’re not alone. Reach out, listen, and support them as they recover. Contact my Office of Victim Services to learn how you or someone you know can get help finding resources and support.”
More than 34,000 Montanans were the victims of crime last year, and over 2,700 were young people. In addition, more than 270 Montanans were victims of aggravated partner or family member assault.
“National Crime Victims’ Rights Week provides an opportunity to recommit to ensuring that all victims of crime receive a trauma-informed response,” Attorney General Fox said. “The Montana Department of Justice is dedicated to strengthening victims and survivors in the aftermath of crime, and to pursuing justice for all victims and survivors not just during this week, but throughout the year.”
Attorney General Fox also announced he’s seeking nominations for his annual Outstanding Crime Victim Advocate Award. Any Montanan working with crime victims is eligible, including law enforcement personnel, domestic violence advocates, shelter staff, probation and parole officers, first responders, SANE nurses, judges, attorneys, and volunteers. Nominations are due by April 20; an application is available here.
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