City of Billings Working to Block Airbnbs? [AUDIO]
I don't know about you, but I get sick and tired of the government trying to pick winners and losers. Is that what the city is looking to do by blocking Airbnbs in Billings?
Mitch Lagge has been doing some great reporting for Q2 News. In case you missed it, he had a report that aired shortly after the holidays with this headline: "City aiming to register Airbnb's [sic] in Billings this year." The story also noted that "technically, they're not allowed in city limits right now."
Russ Palmer operates several Airbnbs and other short term rentals in Billings. He says if the city is successful with their revisions to the city code, it would put him out of business and shortchange other Airbnb hosts all over Billings.
Check out our full conversation below: