Entry deadlines in several categories are rapidly approaching for the Western Montana Fair in Missoula that will run from Tuesday, August 6 through Sunday, August 11.

Fair manager Steve Earle said the deadlines to enter livestock have already passed, however there are still many opportunities to enter items for the fair.

"You still have until July 30th to enter all the still exhibits, thinks like photography, fine arts, home arts, models and things like that," Earle said. "In fact, if you're a really quick sewer, you can put a quilt together between now and July 30th and still get it entered."

Earle said there are items that can be entered the day of the show.

"With agriculture, if you have some chicken eggs to want to enter, say you're out baling hay right now and don't have time to get the entry in early, or you have some tomatoes that aren't fully ripe just yet, you have until the day of the show, that's August 5th. You just bring it on down and enter it."

Earle said there is a slight charge for each entry, usually not more than a dollar or two, and all the information regarding entries is on the Western Montana Fair website. He said there's a new carnival this year.

"Northstar Amusements is bringing their carnival with at least five spectacular rides and over a dozen major adult rides," Earle said.  "We've got the Bitterroot Motors professional Bull-O-Rama, the NAPA Demolition Derby, and on Tuesday night the Christian rock band 'Jars of Clay' and Matt Meyer will be performing."

There's one part of the fair Earle wanted to make sure everyone heard about.

"There's one really, really exciting part of this year's fair, and that's that we have happy hour every day from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m." Earle said. "There's no admission charge to the fair during that time Tuesday through Friday. You can catch the Mountain Line downtown bus at no charge at the transfer center, get in for free, have lunch, and ride back for free and then go back to work."

Because of the high fire danger, there will be no fireworks show in the evenings at the fair.

Western Montana Fair manager Steve Earle

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