Leadership Changes Announced in Missoula County Public Schools
Missoula County Public Schools have announced new principals for several city schools.
MCPS Communications Director Hatton Littman said the changes were initiated when current Cold Springs Elementary principal Susan Daniel resigned, leaving an opening for the new Jeanette Rankin school leader.
“The current sitting principal at Meadow Hill Middle School, Miss Chris Stevens, has elected to transfer into that position, which was approved by the superintendent,” said Littman. “That left an opening at Meadow Hill, and the current principal at Big Sky High School, Natalie Jaeger, elected to transfer to Meadow Hill, also approved by the superintendent. That left an opening at Big Sky High School, and just yesterday the superintendent announced that he had appointed Miss Jennifer Courtney, currently the Big Sky Assistant Principal to fill that leadership role at Big Sky.”
Littman said there was one last open principal’s position at Lowell Elementary, and applications are being reviews for that position which will be announced this fall.
Littman mentioned that neither Stevens nor Jaeger were transferring from Meadow Hill and Big Sky due to problems that had occurred at those schools this year, those being the school counselor charged with drug crimes at Meadow Hill, and the shooting incident at Big Sky High School in March.
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