MCPS Superintendent Mark Thane to Receive Regional Award
On Friday, Missoula County Public Schools Superintendent Mark Thane will receive a regional award from his peers.
Communications Director Hatton Littman said the award is richly deserved.
“Our very hardworking and beloved leader Mark Thane, the Superintendant of Missoula County Public Schools has received the Western Montana Area Superintendent’s Group ‘Superintendent of the Year’ award,” said Littman. “We couldn’t be more in agreement with their decision.”
Littman said the award is coveted because it comes from Thane’s fellow regional district superintendents.
“Mark’s nomination comes from the superintendents who are in western Montana, and they’re looking for qualities that include fiscal responsibility, as well as leadership in board policy and working with the trustees, and working with staff and the communities that they serve.”
Thane will receive a plaque during a ceremony at 1:00 p.m. on Friday at the Administration Building at 215 South 6th Street West.
Thane has served Missoula County Public Schools for thirty-five years, starting as a teacher and filling roles as a Principal, Executive Regional Director, Executive Director of Human Resources and Labor Relations and serving for the past three years as the Superintendent.
Thane also appears monthly on the KGVO Talk Back talk show to answer questions from listeners.
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