Missoula Crime Report: 26 Felonies, Two Involve Child Sex Abuse
On a typical week, the Missoula County Attorney’s Office will process around 12 to 16 felony cases, but this past week, County Attorney Kirsten Pabst says things were a bit “nutty” as the office juggled 26 cases.
"We had an attempted deliberate homicide, child criminal endangerment, a couple felony DUIs, a couple partner/family member assaults three sexual assault cases... sadly two involved kids, three felony drug cases, a counterfeiting case, and then four burglaries," Pabst said.
Pabst says that new, Stage One Fire Restrictions will be applied in Missoula County soon.
"It basically means no fires, no campfires anywhere with some extremely limited exceptions," Pabst said. "It restricts smoking, except within a closed vehicle or building, a developed recreation site, or when stopped in an area three feet in diameter that is barren of any flammable materials, and then finally no fireworks of any kind."
According to Pabst, the Stage One Fire Restrictions should be in Missoula County by this Saturday, August 14 but could be in place sooner.
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