Don't worry, Missoula, several hundred new snow shovels will be arriving at 7 a.m. on Thursday, February 27, at Montana Ace Hardware stores in Missoula.

With record-setting snow, floor manager Brent Ross at the Tremper's Shopping Center store said there has been quite a run on all kinds of foul weather gear this month.

"What are people asking for? I've sold lots of traction sand, ice melter, snow shovels, snow blowers, basically everything winter-related." Ross said. "We're also selling lots of car accessories like jumper cables and warm blankets. Our supply of snow shovels is down quite a bit, but we are getting a big shipment Thursday morning, about 200 shovels are coming in, along with quite a few snow blowers. But we still have lots of traction sand and ice melt."

Ross said people are also asking about vehicle safety when they come into the store.

"Traction control seems to be the biggest question we get here," Ross said. "We also get questions about basic maintenance on snow blowers, things like belts and shear pins, along with winter gloves and hats."

Ross has a standard answer whenever a customer asks for an item the store is currently out snow shovels.

"Come back tomorrow!" Ross laughed.

Montana Ace Hardware Floor Manager Brent Ross

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