Something similar is now playing out in Europe, where farmers across the European Union are protesting climate-related policies that would only drive up the price of energy even further.
Montana nurses and other healthcare workers were well represented at the Montana Freedom Rally at the Capitol over the weekend. Corinne Hammond is a Billings nurse and rancher who was one of several co-founders of the Big Sky Liberty Alliance.
She's known as "the mother of the People's Convoy," and she's from Condon, Montana. When the Freedom Convoys first started rolling in the US in support of our friends in Canada- Maureen was one of the main players getting everything rolling.
This little girl loved seeing the truckers and the flags in the Freedom Convoy so much, when she got home- she took out the toy cars and trucks in her toy box and made a freedom convoy of her own.
Can you imagine if you were someone who was just driving down the interstate in Montana on Wednesday afternoon and all of a sudden you see huge crowds of people holding American and Canadian flags (and maybe a "Biden Sucks" flag or two as well) over the interstate? You'd probably be wondering what was going on.
Look out Washington, DC- the mama bears are coming. The Moms for America are taking part in the "Convoy to DC" with their own specially designed semi-truck, and Montana mom Jenna McKinney says she is rolling with them.
Trucks laden with groceries and other good headed from Canada into the U.S. have been kept from delivering their loads in Montana, and Montana truckers are being quarantined in Canada.
When it comes to the Freedom Convoys taking place on the Montana-Alberta border, one man has certainly stood out- the "trucker lawyer" from Calgary, Alberta in Canada. I got the chance to catch up with Chad Williamson recently on the radio here in Montana.
After seeing the success of the "Freedom Convoys" along the Montana-Canada border, a "Convoy to DC" is now in the works. I caught up with Brian Brase shortly after his appearances on Fox News with Sean Hannity, Fox & Friends, and others.