When Life Burns Down Your Quonset…Roast Marshmallows
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. And when life burns down your Quonset, roast marshmallows. That's how one Montana rancher responded when a fire destroyed the equipment shed that his family has been using for at least 25 years.
Travis Pluhar's family has been ranching in Cohagen, Montana since the 1920s. When their Quonset caught fire last month, it took out a lot of equipment and tools that their ranch depends on to stay in business. Neighbors and other family members immediately rushed in to help save the remaining equipment in another nearby Quonset.
The loss would be devastating to most any business owner in Montana. But instead of complaining about the loss, Pluhar grabbed his 13-year-old son after the help had left and decided to roast some marshmallows.
PLUHAR: I said, well, we need to get something good out of it, and so there was some wood burning at the back and I took my son over and roasted some marshmallows, and we had something good out of it.
A GoFundMe page has also been set up to help the Pluhar family rebuild, as insurance won't cover all of the losses following the fire.
Click below to listen as Pluhar talked about the loss and the incredible response from friends and neighbors: