The Associated Press in Montana noted that Attorney General Tim Fox (R-MT) was "defending" his trip to the southern border with Mexico and the United States.

Defending it from who? Oh, that's right- he was likely defending it from the media in a press call. The same media that will follow Gov Steve Bullock (D-MT) around Iowa as he tries to campaign for president on the taxpayer dime.

Why would Montana's Attorney General need to visit our southern border? Well, we are in the middle of a meth epidemic, with meth funneling into Montana from the drug cartels in Mexico.

And the problem on our southern border literally hits nearly every pocket of our state budget, as Montana Highway Patrol Colonel Tom Butler so accurately summed up.

Nearly every aspect of the state budget has been touched by the drug issue that we have in the state. You look at the number of youth dependents and care cases that the Department of Public Health and Human Services is dealing with which are setting records nearly every year. You look at the domestic violence issues that are going on inside our cities across the state every year. That all has astronomical impacts on the taxpayers of Montana.


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