Corvallis Area Continues To Deal With Flooding
Ravalli County Sheriff Steve Holton has been busy traversing the Bitterroot Valley and updating his informational app telling residents where to obtain sand and sandbags to alleviate the flooding situation in the Corvallis area.
"We've had a pretty significant amount of water east of Corvallis, especially in that Willow Creek Drainage," Holton said. "That's been moving west, so we have some barricades up on Dutch Hill, Mill Creek, and some water on the county roads on that west side near Middle Bear Creek. The county road shop has been really working hard helping people and making pretty prompt responses to those areas."
Holton said crews have also been working to clear flooded culverts.
"They've been trying to get the culverts cleared to allow water to drain," he said. "They've also delivered quite a bit of sand to most of the local fire stations, so that property owners who want to prepare and need some sandbags, they can get those not just in Corvallis, but also at the Victor Fire Station right in town, the Stevensville Fire Station west of the Stevi Wye, and the Three Mile Fire Station on Eastside Highway, and then Florence has them at their Station Number Two on North Hidden Valley."
Holton said he expects the high water problems to continue at least through the weekend and into the first part of next week.
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