Criminal Activity at Testy Fest Declines, ‘Things Were Great’ Says Highway Patrol
Good news! The number of Driving Under the Influence cases surrounding Missoula's Testy Fest appears to be on the decline.
"Things went pretty smooth this year, we got a couple of DUIs out of there, some suspended drivers, we got some drugs, but overall, everybody drove good. Things were great," said Montana Highway Patrol Captain Jim Kitchin. . We had a couple of DUI related crashes in Missoula county area, but nothing really significant with the Testy Fest, so it went really good."
Kitchin says law enforcement has been making a presence at the Testy Fest for at least 20 years now, and next year will be no different.
"We're already planning on next year," Kitchin said. "We're going to do the same type of deal. We're going to go out there and saturate. We're going to make sure no one gets in trouble, and hopefully it will be the same."
All in all, Kitchin estimated that there were just five individuals that were in custody for crimes related to the Testy Fest.
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