Governor Gianforte Answers Questions from Montanans
From vaccine mandates for Montana National Guard personnel, to wildfires and timber, baby formula shortages, the Governor's 56 county tour, and more -- we covered a lot of ground with Governor Greg Gianforte (R-MT).
The governor fielded unfiltered calls and messages from across the state.
Jared, our self-described Democrat listener from Anaconda, wanted to know if the governor could declare a state of emergency to begin removing the dead timber before we get into the thick of the fire season.
Colter wanted to know what the governor was going to support - or not - for our Montana National Guard soldiers who have requested religious or medical exemptions from the COVID-19 vaccine.
Frank was wondering where the tax money from recreational marijuana in Montana was going.
I asked the governor about baby formula shortages, and the fact that we have a company right here in Montana that is already making infant baby formula here in the US, they just can't sell it here in the US due to the federal government regulations.
Gov. Gianforte: We live in the United States. A young family shouldn't have to struggle to find baby formula. And this whole situation was created by the Biden administration. So, I did join with 18 other governors and we made two requests. First, we need to provide regulatory relief. This safe baby formula that's available in Canada, Mexico, Europe- they should put a temporary suspension on the red tape that prevents it from being used here. And secondly, we need to reform our supply chain. Over 8 million Americans regularly purchase formula, and they need reliable supply. This problem was created by the Biden administration, and it could be fixed by the Biden Administration with the stroke of a pen.

The governor also gave us the highlights from his 56-county tour across Montana.
Full audio with Gov. Gianforte and Aaron Flint from June 2nd, 2022:
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