Police Tackle Man Accused of Breaking Multiple Windows, Tossing Lawn Furniture
Over the weekend, Missoula Police were called by a resident who said an unknown man was in his front lawn, angrily flipping over his lawn furniture. Missoula Police Public Information Officer Travis Welsh explains.
"Saturday evening, just before 7:00 p.m. officers were called to the 2000 block of Maple Street where a complainant had reported seeing a male walking up and down the street yelling profanities, and at one point, entered his yard and was throwing his property around," Welsh said.
The man continued yelling profanities at police, and kept walking away from them as they attempted to question him. Eventually he broke away and tried to run.
"At one point, he attempted to flee from them on foot and was tackled as a result and taken into custody," Welsh said. "Through the course of the investigation and talking with other people on the street that had witnessed that person, eventually it was discovered that he had broken out to large windows on another residence and damaged items inside."
After tackling him, police arrested 38-year-old Donald James Pierce for Burglary, Disorderly Conduct and Obstructing a Peace Officer.
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