If you missed the big concert and the stunt riding events in Uptown Butte on Thursday night, don't worry- there is more to follow as Tim Montana and Colt Anderson and crew are rocking Butte, Montana.
I was strolling down Broadway in Billings after my haircut at Rebels & Razors and I had to stop and backpedal for a few steps. That looks like a new store...I better pop in there...and man- that place was cool.
Here's how you can win one of two sets of Journey concert tickets: download the "Montana Talks" app on your phone. Then- message us with your contact info.
Alright Montanans. You tell me. I saw an article about Beyonce' going country with a new song called "Texas Hold Em." Beyonce' is doing country music? What do you think- is this song country?
Our friend Rabbi Chaim Bruk with the Jewish synagogue in Bozeman is organizing the concert and linked us up with Shulem Lemmer. Rabbi Chaim says Shulem is "the best Jewish singer alive." He's also the grandson of Holocaust survivors.
The retired Marine Corps Colonel and founder of Warriors & Quiet Waters "has been practicing for four hours a day for the past year and a half in preparation for his recital."
The folks at Logjam Presents are bringing in locals, along with lesser-known bands on the weekends for their Groove Concert Series, which looks to showcase the vibrant music scene in our state.
William Munoz writes, "Goose has developed a national following that rivals some older bands. Their sets are typical of the genera, a slow buildup to a blistering lead guitar solo."