Montana Drug Use The Highest In The US? Experts Share The Stats
Let's be honest for a minute here. We have a drug problem. We, as in, Montana. It's not something that is a big shocker. I mean, we are the 4th largest state in the United States, we have one of the busiest interstates, and we have a lot of people coming and going.
BUT, where does Montana's use stand when compared to the other states? Let's look:
According to WalletHub, Montana ranks 16th highest for drug use. Being in the top 20 is definitely not a proud moment. We are told from an early age, that drugs are bad, "say no to drugs", but it seems like every other day we are hearing about a "different strain", a new type of drug, or an overdose.
Will we ever be a drug-free state? No. But we can certainly do our best to keep our youth drug-free. I don't know if it is the peer pressure or the fact that it is easy to get drugs, that makes it such a common topic among the youth, but I don't care for it one bit.
As the mother of a teenager, it is astonishing how young some of these kids are that I see and hear about every day suffering from mental health issues. I remember when I was their age, I didn't have a care in the world, let alone have to worry about drugs being just down the street.
How can Montana turn these statistics around so we are NOT in the top twenty for drug use? Harsher punishments for those caught with illegal drugs? Free rehabilitation services? What do you think? Is there a light at the end of the tunnel?
cc: WalletHub